" Because you are special* to me, and I love you, I gladly give up other peoples in exchange for you; They are trivial by comparison to your weighty significance. " _Isaiah 43:4* (The Voice)

Thursday, December 15, 2011

{ Undeserved. Pt 1. }

after serving with a mere year and a half, i would underservingly say that it was been an interesting journey that went beyond my wildest expecatation. to marvel at this prviledge, increases the value and excellence of serving our awesome God who has blessed us all with these gracious gifts to bring life, freedom, joy, music, praise, worship, singing and dancing in His very house.

finally came to a point of letting it all go and simply flowing with His unforced rhythyms of grace -- which is truly the best place to be. where self decreases and He increases, and where you find absolute rest and peace while riding out the waves of His favor and grace that keeps on coming -- and the latter wave is always greater than the former one.

this in turns brings all goodness and desires to fruition by His exaltation alone, and it goes to show that we are buildt not to show the glory of our own (as fleshly as it seems), not to show the glory of our best talents and gifts (as good as it seems or hears), but buildt to showcase the greatness of a true and faithful living God that none can ever compare.

"so blown away from You Dad, as there is truly none that can ever come even close to Your constant loving-kindness and grace. You went all out for us undeserving folks, blessed us beyond with Your very best You have amongst the galaxies, milkways and even heaven itself, and always thinking the world of us depite our sinful manner.

indeed You have a kingdom purpose for each and everyone of us, a purpose that slowly reveals itself daily in accordingly to Your beautiful time and plan. Dad, thank You, for all the great things you have done, and going to do. You simply amaze me every moment with Your love that never fails, and grace that always empowers.

my soul sings, how great thou art."

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