as You spoke, my spirit slowly consumed Your words; trickling down right to the core of my heart that no one has gone before. you said, with a voice so audible, so kind, so gentle, so loving,
"liz, just let go. and trust Me.
are you willing to let go?"
i was honestly in awe, and before uttering anything, i was just so filled with His presence.. and the two words of 'letting go'.
yes, it is pretty self explanatory. but, it also means not caring, not being burdened, not assuming, not fighting, not bounded, not protecting, not earning, not striving, not worrying, not trying, and not self anymore.
after five minutes of a heart-filled mediation, the conviction was complete and definite obedience followed through and i said:
"yes God, yes, i am willing to let it all go."
immediately i felt complete freedom and liberty. like i am no longer bounded by the particular situation, or anything else anymore.
nothing can hold me down.
not the world, not men, not men's opinions, not even myself and my own dreams, plans and desires, nothing.
my heart just sings: Jesus. and only, Jesus.
**pausing in His love**
i love the fact, that i have already found love, true love.
love that is substantial and beyond what even love means. because, this love is more than a meaning.
and the beauty of it all, unlike other love, this love, this one true love, does not have to be earned, to be prettified, to be impressed, to be protected, it is a gift. it is already ours and it came through one person:
J E S U S.
everything else, is secondary.
"It's Your love, that saved me."