" Because you are special* to me, and I love you, I gladly give up other peoples in exchange for you; They are trivial by comparison to your weighty significance. " _Isaiah 43:4* (The Voice)

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Gravitating back to Singas, yet again.

Ah, my first entry of the new year and on Singapore grounds.
Right at the comfort of my own home that is still sweet.

It has been almost a month-ful of events;
with the permanent move back and Hong Kong and Taiwan with the girls..
I must say, most were unexpected hence not emotionally prepared for. 

After the farewells;
which keeps replaying throughout my constant movements between Perth and Singapore,
I still am not use to saying and mouthing words:


to the people whom I have formed such a relationship with and have made a difference in my life. 

[A moment of tearing to the memories back in Perth..] 

"God, You're still good." - Selah~

It is definitely not an easy job,
especially leaving at a point of comfort and deeply built circle.
But as the saying goes,

"That's life."

God places seasonal blessings in your life only for that period for enjoyment,
and with a new season He has new ones lining up and in His time,
it will be just as beautiful or even better. 

We all gravitate back to where we belong.
No matter how far or long it took us to get here. 

Adjustment is not one for my liking,
but thank God He has increased my adaptability to changes;
which I hope is still in placed for my final environment change. 

Yet to find my bearings,
as I feel utterly lost to everything that I was once used to. 
Singapore, a stranger of unfamiliarity's whilst being a face amongst the crowd again.

People who were once close,
now will have to restore back lost times amongst the years of innings and outings.
"Previous.. friend?" - Quote and unquote from 'The Dark One'.

Getting back into it is quite a feeling but in all things,
He is doing it for me.
And all I can do now is my part of trusting and holding on to His goodness.

"Time will heal itself.."

Now, it is just taking it one day at a time;
finding a job/position, care-group and ministry.

Ah, the joy of staring all over. 
At least I got Him with me.

I am ready to let go of what has been, 
and moving forward to what is going to be. 

All I know is,

"It is going to be good."

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