" Because you are special* to me, and I love you, I gladly give up other peoples in exchange for you; They are trivial by comparison to your weighty significance. " _Isaiah 43:4* (The Voice)

Friday, August 7, 2009

More of a journey than a destination.

[Continuation from the previous entry]

Stubborn and rebellious is not a good combo.
Mix it up with a rage of emotions and a not so pretty picture is painted.
Wanting your way and nothing else seems like the way to go.
Why not? It's your life anyways right?

That was what I thought and felt.

Built up inside was just anger and frustration of not knowing what was going on.

Blurry and lost, I tend to become very impatient hence my sudden reaction of giving up.

Maybe the journey that we all long for has already started without us knowing?
We pray for an answer where it was in our face all along.
There is a high chance of us already living our dreams out.
All we need to do, is open our eyes and our hearts to Him.

It is more of the journey than the destination.
Eventually we're going to get there, hence why don't we enjoy the ride?

We struggle to do it His ways as we only see ours.
All it does, is make the journey a difficult one.
Instead of going left, we turn right.
Instead of going front, we go back.
Instead of walking, we run.

Our Savior King knows best.
Follow what the Shepherd is leading you.

He cares for you and have sufficient grace for all that we may experience in great difficulties

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