" Because you are special* to me, and I love you, I gladly give up other peoples in exchange for you; They are trivial by comparison to your weighty significance. " _Isaiah 43:4* (The Voice)

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

{ Free to dance. }

"According to Jesus, the truly spiritual life is one marked by freedom rather than compulsion (John 8:36), love rather than ritual (Mark 12:30-33) and peace rather than guilt (John 14:27). 

Jesus saves us from the dry, dusty duties of religion and frees us to cut loose and celebrate."

- S. James 

(Source: Click here!)

Sunday, February 26, 2012

{ Let The Rain Of Your Presence - D. Chambers }

"this heart of mine, is refreshed and at rest.. in Your presence."

let it rain Lord.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

{ Trust as He prunes.. }

the pruning process is where one gets uncomfortable, yet He foresees and acknowledges great potential, and carries on with His very own hands, to craft what is beyond any human capacity and ability to only showcase all glory that exist because of Him.

the potter pots and fills in the gaps and those nitty gritty cracks; smoothening out the edges and bumps along the way, to see fit and perfecting to His standards and none else. as the clay that He is rubbing the hands that were once nailed and nailed deep, we can only be a positioning of trust and dependent on what is ahead.

whatever or whoever or wherever it may be, those fruits that we deemed excellent and perfect in our self righteous and redemption form, is now being subjected yet again to reach to optimum levels where only He can take us.

"and yes, we are indeed birthed out the hands of perfection, and nothing less."

{ End of self. }

"i want more of You, and less of me.
empty me."

- J. Camp


it is time to lose the last grip of our own effort, strength, might and ability of areas we know that success is easy to the flesh. the more we know we think we can do it, the more we should depend on Him. times of feeling unprepared and not ready, are usually the moments where He can fill us and use us the very most -- because there and then comes an increase and realization that in and of ourselves we can accomplish nothing.

what can men do without the grace of God?

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

{ I look to You. }

I look to You by Whitney Houston

"After all my strength is gone, in You I can be strong..
And when melodies are gone, in You I hear a song..
I look to You."


O bless you Whitney, for the grace and talent He has shown through you to others out there. Indeed heaven is rejoicing.

{ I look to You. Pt. 2 }

"Whatever your need or desire, the Great I Am is your Source. Look to Him."

- Amy Groeshel


things that use to satisfy, now leaves a distinct taste of artificial fulfillment. even with the dreams that i had longed for. and when it came to pass, it just felt so ordinary and blend. what happened?

being a person that is entirely only moved by passion, is hard to overcome such blockage. it seems like i have reached the end, and this experience is the very first that has been encountered. 

time to come to the very end of one self, despite with all the graced talents and revelations that is so undeserving -- those seem to not matter no more, and now it is held in hands that were once tight. 

it is definitely not of one's own strength and might, nor the goodness of one's worship to Him as now it is just pure notes to the ears.


"i'm lost without a cause, after giving it my all..
i look to You.."

- W. Houston

Monday, February 20, 2012

{ Soft Spots }

soft spots are the hardest to get rid of. it still gets you right there and then without permission. it haunts unexpectedly even with what is left. guess this takes more than time, but Him to fill in the gap and void. now would be good.

as i remember what C has said, for what we feel about another, we should also do likewise about J. how can we not? wells sometimes we run with our feelings instead of our faith. yet another flesh and spirit battle.

yet the words of BJ pops up everytime, "we are not feelers but believers".

enough with all the emotions attached to any human senses. would rather be moved by His presence whether i feel it or not. yes it takes time as everything does, but we're never too late to miss the boat. and in His very time, He will make it all beautiful once and for all.

"once restored, and made to fly again.."

Saturday, February 18, 2012

{ Heart Surgery. Pt. 1 }

insert: action

there are plenty of things that i would have to alter -- definitely not out of one's strength nor grace of course. it is time to move on and up to greater and enlarged territories; which may seem initially daunting with more discomfort in all shapes or forms.

perhaps instead of talking and saying the right things, walking it all out would create the reality than just a mere thought or sweet honey to the ears and environment.

doing is not effort as proactivity brings life to the vision and others out there -- and that comes by His empowerment from the inside out. we simply need to take the first steps, and have Him to lead the way to the rest.

for what we promise, we also deliver. He does not just spill in words that brings healing at that moment but for a lifetime. because He is not just the God of the now, but the God of eternity.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Sunday, February 5, 2012

{ Starts & Ends with You. }

everything starts, and ends with You.
for all You done, we can't even mount the exact words of appreciation,
but only in forms of worship and glorification for all You done.
let us not forget where we were, and how You willingly saved us.
and because You completed and did it for us people undeserving,
grace cannot help but be amazed and met through our hearts and eyes,
that everything we are now, is solely and utterly because of You.


"only You, You died to set me free.. now i'm Yours, for all eternity..
only You, can love me like You do.. my Desire.. my Life.. only You.."
- ncc.